SamR1 - Personal PortFolio

Personal projects and contributions

Personal Projects


Self hosted workout/activity tracker

This web application allows you to track your outdoor activities and keep your data on your own server.

PyPI version PyPI downloads last release version docker image version

Languages & tools: Python, Flask, Typescript, Vue3, Vuex, Leaflet, Chart.js, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy 2.0, Redis, Selenium, Github Actions, Docker

Links: SamR1/FitTrackee

FitTrackee screenshot


a simple read-it later app

[Archived project]

Initially a small project to learn Vue, rdltr is a read-it later web application: save articles for later reading.

PyPI version PyPI downloads last release version

Languages & tools: Python, Flask, Typescript, Vue 2 & 3, Pinia, SQLite, SQLAlchemy 1.4, PyPI, Selenium, Github Actions

Links: SamR1/rdltr SamR1/rdltr-addon

rdltr screenshot


generate a RSS feed from Twitter or Mastodon search

[Archived project]

My first project written in Python, twootfeed eases curation on social networks.

PyPI version PyPI downloads last release version

Languages & tools: Python, Flask, Twitter API, Mastodon API, PyPI, GitLab CI

Links: SamR1/python-twootfeed

twootfeed screenshot


LocalgHost - WatchGhost

Your invisible but loud monitoring pet

[current contributions]
Lightweight server and services monitoring tool.

PyPI version PyPI downloads

Languages & tools: Python, aiohttp, VueJS, WebSockets, InfluxDB, GitLab CI, Selenium

Links: localg-host/watchghost

watchghost screenshot

LocalgHost - HostGhost

Simple monitoring tool

[current contributions]
Sensors monitoring and automation tool (used for DIY ยต-datacenter, to measure temperature and energy consumption)

Release version

Languages & tools: Python, aiohttp, VueJS, Chart.js, WebSockets, InfluxDB, GitLab CI, Selenium

Links: localg-host/hostghost

hostghost screenshot


Energy as a Common(s)

[past contributions]
Experimentation program about Energy management as a common.
Development of a decentralized open-source peer-to-peer exchange system proof of concept.

Languages & tools: Python, Flask, JavaScript, Flot, Ethereum (Solidity, Parity, DApps)

Links: DAISEE/Prototypes

DAISEE screenshot


Programming Languages & Frameworks
  • Python: Flask, aiohttp
  • Javascript: Vue, Vuex
  • Database: PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQLAlchemy