Features ######## .. warning:: | **twootfeed** is no longer maintained. Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ **twootfeed** generates an RSS feed from **Twitter** or **Mastodon** search and from **Mastodon** bookmarks/favorites/home timeline. The feed displays only the original tweets (not the retweets) and toots, with: - links to : - the tweet on Twitter or toot on Mastodon - hashtags - usernames - URLs - images, video (mp4) and animated gif (as mp4 video) - image description (only for Mastodon) - source if available - location (only for Twitter) - visibility (only for Mastodon) - numbers of retweets and likes for tweets and boosts and favourites for toots .. warning:: | **twootfeed** is intended for personal use only. | Tweets and toots are displayed with the user account associated to the API keys (feeds may contain items with **restricted visibility**). ---------- .. figure:: _images/screenshot.png :alt: Mastodon search screenshot :figclass: doc-img Example: Mastodon search for hashtag **#twootfeed** displayed in `FreshRSS `__